Project Title: Furniture for Mar Gorgis Pastoral Center, Ankawa.
Description: Fund used to purchase the needed furniture to address the facilities required for pastoral activities in Mar Gorgis Chaldean Parish in Ankawa; includes Christian education for all age groups; the center includes 3 classrooms having a capacity of 40-60 students, multipurpose hall (having a capacity 225- 250 people), in addition the fund went to the furnishings of the priest office and the needed auxiliary room.
Category of Support: Pastoral Care – Catechism, Youth ministry.
Benefactor: missio Internationales Katholisches Missionswerk e.V.
Beneficiaries: 1,200 parishioners; 320 parish youth and kids
Amount: € 43,400.00
Project Date: 02 May 2013 Closing Date: 24 Feb 2014
Project Title: Cost for books + transportation for 14 Chaldean Priests studying at Rome for Academic year 2011-2012.
Description: To support the expenses involved in the formation materials required to facilitate learning to Chaldean Priests studying in Rome for the academic year 2011-12
Category of Support: Education –Priest Formation
Benefactor: ACN Königstein Germany
Beneficiaries: 14 Chaldean Priests
Amount: € 8,000.00
Project Date: 14 June 2013 Closing Date: September 2013
Project Title: Financial assistance to complete the construction of new parish office building, in Deirabun.
Description: To support the material and labor expenses involved in constructing the parish office where parishioners are received for administrative help on matters of spiritual and material assistance and church religious matters.
Category of Support: Building Parish Office
Benefactor: ACN Königstein Germany
Beneficiaries: 500 parishioners
Amount: € 5,000.00
Project Date: 27 June 2013 Closing Date: October 2013