The Annual Festival of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish

The parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help launched its 13th year festival leading to the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The festival included several charity shops, special family games and activities and more, which were planned and organized by the parish’s fellowship, Al- Safaa. 9 days prior to the feast, the parish started the novena devotion to Our Lady, including the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and homilies delivered by Archbishop Bashar Warda on “The Church: A Mother and a Teacher. Thus, on June 27th, which marked the feast day of Our Lady of Perpetual help, the festival was concluded, announcing the lottery winners; the lottery money will be given to the Charity of Mercy foundation to help and poor and the needy.

Along this celebration period, archbishop Warda delivered valuable meditations to the laity about the importance of Mary’s role and her centrality in our faith.