عن مدرسة ام المعونة الدائمة
على غرار مدرسة البشارة، مدرسة أم المعونة هي مدرسة ثانوية تأسست عام 2018-2019 استجابة لأزمة عام 2014. أنشئت لتلبية كافة احتياجات النازحين داخلياً، ودعمهم من خلال التعليم. الغرض من إنشاء المدرسة الثانوية هو توفير المرحلة التالية من التعليم للطلاب (سواء المتخرجين من مدرسة البشارة او الطلاب الذين كانوا طلاب المدارس الثانوية أثناء فترة نزوحهم)، وتهدف إلى إعداد الطلاب وإتاحة الفرصة لهم لمواصلة تعليمهم. بالاضافة الى ذلك، تتبنى المدرسة المنهج الحكومي المتعارف عليه في اقليم كوردستان وتتبنى اللغة الانجليزية في التعليم.
الاهداف الاساسية لمدرسة ام المعونة الدائمة:
تعزيز التعليم وتدريب الكادر التدريسي.
تزويد الطلاب بالمختبرات العلمية والادواة اللازمة خلال فترة التعلم.
تعزيز التعلم والنشاطات المدرسية خارج الفصول الدراسية.
شهادات الطلاب:
"My name is Merna Faik Sulaqa Oghanna, studying at Om almauna high school, I am also a senior at grade 12. I like starting by saying how the school administration is so understanding and amazing they try their best to make our school year fun while also reading. The results of the school are getting very good. All the teachers in our school are very friendly and helpful. They are highly qualified teachers and teach us with pleasure. They love us like their own children. Personally, I started learning and having much more information than the schools I have been too. Let me tell you about our school exterior, Om almauna school is a very big school that has different types of school subject classes with a small library and a very large hall, and rooms for the administration and teachers. Beside our school there is a church that we visit, there are also a football court, basketball and volleyball. ”

"I am Leqaa Mohanad Manweel Marogi, studying at Om almauna high school, As an Om almauna student for 3 years, I have experienced and learned a lot from this school. Teachers here try their best to guide their students and get the best out of them. They are very helpful especially when students have struggles in a specific subject. Most students play with their teachers in their break time, they play: Football, Volleyball, and Table tennis. It is quite fun to spend time with your teachers and get to share your interests with them. Om almauna is a great school to be in, and teachers here are trying their best to help students achieve their goals. "

"My name is Sanabil Ruwaid Behnam and this was my first year in Om Almauna school. It has been an amazing new experience for me. I’ve just passed my 11th year with little problems and a much-improved average. When I first came to the school, I was worried about the teachers, but soon I realized there was nothing to worry about because the teachers are all very helpful, caring and patient, especially with new students such as myself. Om Almauna does not put the entirety of its focus only on the educational side, but also on entertainment of its students; occasionally, they do certain activities to refresh their students and motivate them to work hard. I plan to stay in Om Almauna as I can see that they did and continue to do their best to provide us with the best opportunities to help us achieve our goals. they did and continue to do their best to provide us with the best opportunities to help us achieve our goals."