مدرسة مريمانه
تأسست مدرسة مريمانا الاهلية (غير حكومية) عام 2016، وتم افتتاحها عام 2017. وكان الهدف من إنشاء المدرسة مساعدة الأهالي والطلبة المقيمين في عنكاوا وأربيل، بالاضافة الى توفير فرص عمل لعدد من المعلمين العاطلين عن العمل. يتوفر التعليم للمرحلتين الابتدائية والمتوسطة. تهدف المدرسة إلى توفير أساس متين للتعليم، من خلال تنمية قدرات الطلاب، وتزويدهم بالمهارات العملية والتعليمية، وتأهيلهم لتحسين مستقبلهم المحلي والعالمي، وتمكينهم من المنافسة والإبداع.
شهادات الطلاب:
"My experience with this school was wonderful from all aspects. I learned alot from all of the teachers and their dealing with the students was very kind for developing their social skills and abilities. I spent all years in this school without seeing someone bullying or discriminating between students, this a good point that the teachers focused on to teach students, and to educate them in a civilly way. Maryamana school is from the best schools that I have tried which I would like to advice everyone to complete his future, because personaly I haven't faced any problems in this school and especially the administration deals with the students in a very respectful way which treat them like adults.”

"Honestly I hope that the school provided high school for the students, and also to learn different international languages that will be useful for different opportunities in the future, also as a point to focus on it would be so good if their will be school missions for different countries to raise the level and awareness of the student. "